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Statement of Purpose


We believe positive relationships within the Winton School community will strengthen our sense of identity, belonging and purpose. 

We will improve social and academic outcomes for ākonga (all learners), through analysing evidence and proactively teaching and modeling school wide behavioural expectations.

Winton School is proud to be a part of the 'Positive Behaviour for Learning' contract with the Ministry of Education, known simply as PB4L.


Positive Behaviour for Learning is a framework for teaching social and behavioural skills so the focus can be on teaching and learning.


The framework incorporates a broad range of systemic and individualized strategies for achieving important social and learning outcomes while preventing problem behaviour with all students. PB4L is not a specific model, but an organizational approach or framework for:


  •   improving the social behavioural climate of schools

  •   supporting and enhancing the impact of academic instruction on achievement

  •   increasing proactive/positive/preventative management while decreasing reactive management

  •   integrating academic and behaviour initiatives

  •   improving support for all students, including students at risk


Why PB4L?


Behaviour is learned. Students do not learn better ways of behaving when given aversive consequences. To learn better ways of behaving, students must be directly taught the replacement behaviours.

To retain new behaviours, students must be given specific, positive feedback and opportunities to practise in a variety of settings.


How will we relate this to our school community?


In 2016 we introduced our revised values:







These values form the framework in which PB4L is delivered at Winton School. A school-wide behaviour matrix has been developed so that we have consistency in our school wide expectations of behaviour within our variety of school settings. This alongside our new mascot RERE, gives an effective delivery vehicle for teaching these skills.

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